Since our founding in 1976, our alumni support has been the heartbeat of our community.
Over 1,500 alumni have passed through our doors and are actively involved in their communities.
We welcome you to join us today by updating your contact information, making a donation and joining our Linked In Alumni page under the How to Help page. Also, please follow us on all of our social media pages that are linked at the bottom of the page. We always love to see our alumni interact with our school.
We appreciate your support of our worthwhile endeavors to continue to help us Continue to Change the World through Christ-centered Education.
Dallas Lutheran was just a huge blessing in my life and my families life, the first day I just unbelievably was so welcome by staff and students and I just immediately felt so comfortable and it just helped me grow to the person I am today.Madeline Talbot, DLS Alumni Class of 2022 & Oklahoma Sooner
DLS Alumni in the News
Katie DeStefano Hensle has been selected as one of the 100 Most Impactful People in Women's College Basketball.
The award was announced by Silver Ways Media.
Katie graduated from Dallas Lutheran School in 1999. Please click on the link below to read all about Katie!
Katie DeStefano Hensle
DLS Alumni In The News
Bruce Taylor is a Dallas Lutheran School graduate and soon to be a Texas Tech University graduate, too.
We are proud of Bruce and his story from Dallas to Lubbock is a very special accomplishment in his life's journey.
Our students truly Change the World Through Christ-centered Education. Read more about Bruce's journey at the link below.